Sunday, February 14, 2010

Model Exercise B

I am not 100% sure of the exact needs of my context because I am undecided on whether to focus on team development or individual athlete development. However as the need is a gap it would be a case of finding out where the outcome of the athlete or teams performance now and what they should be able to do by the end of instruction.

To meet the needs it will cost time, resources and tools, and therefore money. In field hockey terms the coaches would have to analyze the players performance which will require time, staff and possibly video equipment. However if the problem is ignored other teams may perform better, score more goals and games maybe lost. The ultimate cost of ignoring the problem is missing out on the chance to win a National Champion. This in turn will lead to less money and resources for the next year.

Other factors that should be considered i nthe front end analysis include

- nature of descrepancy
- obsticals
- rewarding?
- is the skill used often
- can the athlete/team perform the skill
- is there a simple solution
- which solution is best

The cost-time-quality triangle needs to be considered.


  1. Hi Ashleigh,

    This is an interesting problem. In reading your thoughts I started thinking myself as to what exactly your model work try to work on, the individual or the team. And of those two, what aspect. In other words, would the the model focus on players who are just beginning and would benefit from remedial instruction or are these advanced players & teams? I don't know enough about the sport to recognize good technique from poor technique or if technique even comes into play. I suppose this might take the framework of how golfers are analyzed to improve their swing or their game. But then again, would an advanced player need help with technique? I don't know. Perhaps one angel might be to develop a model for the beginner to intermediate athelete who is not so skilled or familiar with proper techniques or strategy. Or, is there anything from a stratgey standpoint that the team does differently given the opponent they are playing? So based on the strengths/weaknesses of the opponent does this change the team strategy? Here's another idea, could you look at this from a macro sense and how you develop a field hockey program among several school districts that currently does not have a program? For example, what would be involed in establishing a field hockey league. On a micro level perhaps how would a team form from scratch? What's involved in establishing a school team. I'm sure quite a bit. The more I think about it I am thinking it might be easier to look at a model for a team development/ league development standpoint. As I mentioned, I don't know your sport well, but in creating a model for player development sounds like it might be similar to many other sports with respect to conditioning, training, etc... Is there something unique about player development in your sport if it were missing a model might be used for improvement? See ya,

  2. Gary, thanks for your comments and ideas. It’s really got me thinking and helped me turn my model into what’s hopefully the right direction.
